If you’ve ever designed a house or remodeled anything with your husband, you can primly relate to my problems. Now add on the fact that my husband is a contractor. He’s literally Mr. Fix It and knows EVERYTHING about building. So, he’s always telling me, “we can’t do that.” “That’s too expensive.” UGH! What a […]
I can’t believe we did it. We totally took a leap of faith and purchased 10 acres of land just outside Bend, OR. The most came on the market the day after Thanksgiving. We put our offer in on Saturday. This journey has been a long one and it took 3 years of searching to […]
Anyone who knows me knows I’m a voracious reader. Anything- from fiction to factitious- I’m all over it. I’m not sure what it is, but reading liberates me from my day and allows me to sink into a world that’s not my own – an escape of sorts. When I was young, my dad dragged […]
No matter what kind of provider you choose, it’s important to ask questions up front. It helps you feel more comfortable with your provider and helps them get to know you too. We came across some websites that had some good tips on interviewing a doctor and evaluating your comfort level so we thought we’d […]
Being such baby lovers, and mommies ourselves here at Jewel Images, we decided that it would be fun to share some research with you in one convenient place. The first thing we think is important is trying to figure out what kind of care to get for your pregnancy and through delivery and post-birth? Who […]
Article by our former Studio Manager Belinda Deboard during her second pregnancy. During our last pregnancy check-up appointment, the doctor gave my husband and I a heads up on the next one: we would talk about prenatal testing. My husband and I had already decided that we would keep the baby as full term as […]
Being pregnant has it’s own set of emotions and thoughts so don’t let your diet be one of them! Against popular belief, you don’t have to eat too much more food while pregnant. In your first trimester, the average extra calorie intake is a mere 300 calories. That’s not much! A bowl of greek yogurt, […]
Pregnancy is such a blessing but also comes with a whole new world of aches and pains. The following is a list of recommended medications for use during pregnancy. We sourced these from various online medical sites and our local OB/GYN office, so please consult your personal doctor before use. See disclaimer below. Medications marked […]
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that this business is a roller coaster of clients. Some months you have so many sessions your head is lying off its axis and then, other months you can hear the crickets for lack of the phone ringing. The stress of slow times can be […]
Sometimes, the light you shoot just isn’t quite the light you wanted. And you sit there, staring at the image in front of you in Photoshop, wondering HOW on earth you can make it better. Well, dodging and burning is your best friend. Dodging is simply adding highlights to an image and burning is the […]
So, I can hear you now. Julia, “What is the sibling honeymoon?” In newborn photography, we refer to the sibling honeymoon as that time period when the older first-born child is still ‘in-love’ with their new brother or sister – aka the newborn. But sometimes that comes to an end all too quickly and you […]
We live in a technology age. Anything you get in the mail is typically a bill or junk–depressing and nondescript. So, an incredible way to endear your clients is to send them a hand-signed note! This simple, small gesture can set the tone for a beautiful experience for your customer and breaks the ice in […]