Our new business membership site, the 5 Carat Collective, is exploding in just 2 months of going live! So many business owners have gathered together to help and support each other. It’s truly amazing and inspiring to be part of this powerful business mastermind.
What have we been doing this January? From solidifying our brands, to competitive analysis, market research and online promotion, the list goes on! Plus, we’ve been tackling our business mindset and reading business books that inspire us to be better.
Our core business training content this month is about marketing your photography business online. WE drill websites, social media, email lists and content marketing.

We featured renowned family photographer Michele Celantano in a live Q&A style interview. She spoke to us about building marketing relationships and killing it with attracting families.
I mini mentored 2 5CC members this month on their website and pricing. 1-on-1 spotlight is beneficial for all members who join us to watch!
Speaking of pricing, we are deep in the throes of discussing pricing and figuring out our new product lines for 2020. Plus, we’ve released 9 issues of Marketing Mondays!
Got some FOMO? It’s ok. We get it! Get on the 5CC enrollment waitlist! We plan to open 5CC for 48 hours in February! You won’t want to miss it!
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